Kids For Christ (KFC)

KFC is a safe environment for children to learn Christian values while having fun.

To register your child(ren) for KFC this year, please e-mail Kimberly Lam for a brochure or stop by the church to pick one up!

  • KFC is every Friday from 7:30pm - 9:00pm.
  • It is a children's program for kids in Kindergarten to Grade 6.
  • To learn more about Kids For Christ, please email Kimberly Lam

Message from Pastor Kat
Hi CCPC Kids!
I stole this idea from a friend because I thought it was great, Thank You Teresa Kristel in Barrhead!
Kids Challenge starts this Monday March 29th, 2020. There will be prizes either sent out to you or dropped off at your door, for those who complete the challenge. Read the scripture, complete the task.
When you are finished the days challenge take a picture and either PM it to me or via this FB page the next day or by the end of the week.
Ready, Set, GOOOOOO!
Monday Madness Proverbs 18:10
Your challenge today is to build a tower taller than you are out of any materials in your home or yard.
Terrific Tuesday Matthew 6:33
Scavenger Hunt
Take a picture with your bible
Sing your favorite worship song
Kneel and pray for someone outside your family
Do a random act of kindness
Wackey Wednesday Proverbs 8:10
Today's challenge means you get to act “Wackey”. Wear a costume, don't brush your hair, wear unmatched socks.
Create a picture with a piece of fruit or string…or create a robot out of recycled materials.
Eat breakfast for supper🥰
Throwback Thursday Proverbs 3:1
Take out your baby pictures and as a family let mom and dad tell your stories.
Play music from when your parents where younger.
Bonus: Have a dance party!
Friendly Friday John 3:16
Make some large hearts that have this verse on them, or thank yous, and put them in your windows for all the Drs. Nurses, EMTs, Truck Drivers, and those who work in stores.
OR Post a picture of your painted windows.
Have Fun…Miss you all!
Don’t forget we have a video sermon that is on the website at 10am Sunday mornings, at


For information, please contact:

Or by phone: 403-263-6059.

kfc/start.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/29 02:32 by davidyang